Sunday, March 15, 2009


So I went in my backyard for the 1st time in ohhhhhh....
8 MONTHS...... I couldnt tell what was a plant and what was a weed!! I thought I had rocks, but it was offly GREEN!!!

So I hired my little sister to help.. A total of 10 hours PULLING WEEDS!!!
I was determined that this would never happen again. So I got some stuff that stops the weeds from ever growning. I begged Vance to spray it and finally he agreed.

I poured it into the sprayer and Vance said this stuff was TOXIC and he needed a bandana to cover his face!!


So instead I got a kitchen towel! My kitchen is Brown and White (My towels use to be brown until I put them in the wash with a RED RUG). Hence the Pink Towel on Vance's Face.

However the towel wasnt big enough to go around his head and tie it. So instead I got out the shipping/packaging tape and I taped it to his head!! IT WAS HILARIOUS!!! I GUESS YOU HAD TO BE THERE!!




Brooke Fenn said... absolutely crack me up!!! I love your posts. Great idea to just tape it to his head. :) It worked, right?!? Make sure to comment on my last post with your email that you use for your blog so that you can still view ours. -Brooke

The Ray Family said...

Ok how funny that you haven't been in your backyard for 8 months. That'll all change when Bailey starts runnin around :) And it's ok to make Vance spray for you I'm paranoid about bugs and scorpions so I make Chris spray for those like every 2 weeks even though you only need to do it like 1 a month. How is Baileys health doing? I hope better. If you ever need anything just let me know. We only have 1 car right now which Chris takes to work so I feel your pain with the being stuck at home all day everyday thing. I've figured out somethings to make it a little easier though so if you ever need someone to talk to about being on "house arrest" you know where to find me lol Later girl