We had the BIGGEST 1ST BIRTHDAY BASH EVER!!! Thanks for all those who came to support Bailey. We had almost 60 people there.. It was tons of fun. Enjoy the pics!!!
Bailey's Thrown/High Chair
Bailey's Heart Cake **MADE BY AUNT ASHLEY**
Grandma Lori and Bailey **Bailey opening presents**
Bailey has a MILLION pairs of shoes... but she cant walk in any of them :/ So she never gets to wear them. However we found a pair of NIKE's that she can wear and walk in YAY!!! I was excited!!
We took a trip to Cali. We stayed in the Marriot Marina.. It was awesome. We just hung out and chilled on the beach.. I didnt take very many pics, but the pics I did take are bad.. So here are a couple of them..
Bailey on the Beach-- She Loved the Ocean
horrible pic-- excuse the Black (mascara eyes) and NO I WAS NOT THE FATTEST ONE ON THE BEACH :)
~~On Saturday we went to BALBOA PARK and the Natural History Museum. The Museum had BODY WORKS it was AMAZING!!! It showed REAL HUMAN BODIES and everything about them. It even had 1 part with the embryo's at all different stages and how a baby is born.. IT WAS AWESOME!
**Vance at Balboa Park-- this tree was HUGE
At the Museum
Bailey kept on Hugging the Elephant.. It was sooooo Cute
Vance and his sister in a cave acting like they are making a fire -- RETARDS :)
~~Also while we were there we went and visited Vance's Family. We went to his aunts house and had a BBQ.. It was lots of fun.
Bailey Fell in LOVE with this ball.. she would stop playing with it.
~~On Sunday we went to visit Vance's Mission. We went to church in one of the area's he served. Afterwards we went to the JONES house and had lunch. They are way cool people and they use to always FEED Vance on his Mission